Friday, October 8, 2010

Response to The Word "Friend"

This is something interesting that I found on Shiyun's blog:

In the dictionary friends is defined as a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. This is equivalent to what I think friend is, but I kind of disagree with the meaning that they give in the dictionary. It does not fully define what this word mean. To me, friend is defined as a person that we treasure, appreciate, and someone who we think is trustworthy. It is also someone that we can ask for help and support.
I feel that Shiyun has a good point.  A friend is supposed to be someone that you can trust, and someone that you feel will be there for you. Now, sometimes I feel like I am not a good friend, but I still feel that to be a good friend, you have to be there for someone. You have to be willing to invest your time into someone else's life and to help them through their problems. You cannot just expect them to go and help you all the time. You also have to be willing to give something back. A friend ship is a mutual thing. As I said before, you can't just expect someone to always be there for you without doing something back for them, you have to be willing to spend time to help them when they are in need too.

Does "friendship" also have the same meaning as "friend," or does it have a different meaning? I think they have a specific meaning, but it is just my own opinion. Subsequent when we meet someone new, we usually become friends later on. This is what I define friend. A friend is someone we kind of know and someone we just talk and learn to trust each other later on. The other word "friendship" shows a deeper relationship with our friends. I don't know if there is a difference to others, but to me they seem like two very different words.

I also feel the same way. I think the two words have different meanings. I use the word friendship when I have a closer relationship with some one than a relationship I would have with a stranger or a acquaintance. I would only say that i have a friendship with someone if they are someone that I could trust and would help them with their problems while they help me with mine. A new person that I just meet but end up getting along with pretty well would be a "friend", but they wouldn't be someone that I could trust with things until they have proved to me that they can be trusted. 

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