Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Sleep by Carly Cheung response post

This is something interesting that I found on David's Blog.
I can relate to her in so many ways. Typically on a school night, I would work until I finish the homework that is due the next day. Typically, my max amount of time that I usually end at is at 12 midnight. If I past that time, then I would not get the minimum requirements of sleep of 7 hours. If I do past that time limit if doing homework, I would feel sleepy all morning long. I don't really pay attention in class and always find myself daydreaming, but I never sleep.

I find that some of what David says is very true. If I do my homework and it takes until 12 midnight, then I find that I do not get enough sleep. When I wake up to go to school in the morning, I feel dead and I feel like a zombie, I just do not want to get up. When I get to school, all i think about is going to sleep, and it makes it really hard to concentrate when the teachers are talking. For example, when I am in Mrs.McCoy’s room for math, I get drowsy. In her class, she talks almost all of the time, and all we do is sit there and listen to her and take notes. Also, she turns off all of the ceiling lights and turns on these tiny lamps that do not produce much light so I feel extremely drowsy. Because of this I cannot concentrate in her class and all I want to do is to go to sleep and to forget about everything that has happened. This is not something that I want happening, because concentrating in her class is hard enough, and I do not need anything else to distract me from concentrating. Also, sometimes, I not only feel drowsy in math class, but I start to feel more drowsy in History, Writing class, and maybe even in Science class. This is a big concern for me too because I need to improve in those classes, and since I have no concentration, I cannot improve and will probably do worse.

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