Friday, December 17, 2010

Response to Tiffany's Post about Love, and Vinh. (Wow... that sounds kinda wrong....)

This is something interesting that I found on Tiffany's Blog.
How is love an illusion? First of all, do you know what love is? What is love? When is it love? How is it love? IF you said it's an illusion that we want, then why do we want it? Love is not an illusion. Love is trust. I hope you believe that trust is NOT in anyway an illusion. Love has so many characteristics that there is no way it can be an illusion! Anywho, a dream is a visual of what your mind is thinking. Well, to me it is. What is the pressure you are talking about? When you learn the anatomy and physiology of the brain, you will understand. Do you think reality will be a dream since you said "only nothing but illusion is remain."
 This was something interesting that I found. It was interesting to be looking through Google Docs and to find something like this. Now, I do not really know what to respond to in this post and what part of the content, the part on love and emotions, or the part where it seems like an argument is taking place.

Now, for the section on love, I have many mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it seems that love is supposed to be this awesome thing that will make all of your anger and hatred go away, and when I look at some couples, I can see that taking place. When someone is really angry and they meet up with their loved one, it is noticeable that they seem to get less angry and get happier. That seems to be a very positive effect of love.

Now on the argument part, that was something that seems interesting and funny to me. I thought that it was uncommon to fin people arguing over what would seem to be sort of an online forum. However, now that it has actually happened, I am curious to see what would happen. Would the argument escalate? Or would it be resolved without more harm? What could be the “repercussion's” of this?


  1. AFHSLKAJGHFASD Fhahahahaa this cracked me up :)

  2. haha, i wrote it in.... the spirit of....winter break,procrastination, and.... laziness? :D
