Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quickwrite: Revolutions in the World

There are many similarities  between the revolution that happened in Honduras and what happens in the book “Animal Farm”. For example, both of the places, stories have a person that is already in power or has someone that is in a position of potential power. In Honduras, they  already have a Constitution in place that limits the powers of the president and the terms that they are able to serve as president. In animal farm, they have constitution that is supposed to limit the actions that the animals can take against each other. It is a set of laws that EVERYONE must follow, not just the people that are “lower” than the people in power. For example, in this article (to be added later) it talks about the Honduran president. He did what I talked about before. He was nearing the end of his presidential terms, so he decided that he wanted the power for a little longer. He then tried to extend the amount of terms that he had and the amount of time that he would stay in power. He tried to do this even though there was  amendment in the constitution that prevented the president from being able to do that. He tried to violate the laws of the constitution in what he attempted to do. That is a lot like what happened in animal farm. Napolean tried to take over the farm and tried to give him self absolute power. He even violated some of the amendments in the Constitution, or “changed” them to suit his needs.
For example, there were Constitutional amendments in Animal Farm that prevented the animals from being abused by other animals. Napolean changed those rules or adjusted them to suit his needs. For example, they had first outlawed alcohol in animals, However, Napolean changed that rule when he found out the alcohol was something that he liked. That showed how much of a hypocrite he was. He was like any corrupt leader, changing the rules whenever they suited his needs, and enforcing them when ever it suited or benefited him.

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