Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 11

Jay Pan
Sutherland 5th Per

The Anger of Benjamin

The sun was setting, and the day had almost come to an end. The coming of the humans and the subsequent argument had confused the animals. The humans had stormed off and vowed anger at the cheating animals. Clover walked around that farmhouse, thinking about what she had seen that day, the cheating between the humans and the pigs. After the farmers and Napolean were discovered to have been “cheating”, Napolean had kicked the human farmers our of Manor farm. They had ran out the gate and down the road, chased by the guard/attack dogs that Napolean and the pigs had set on them. It was unknown who had started cheating first, but it was suspected that it was it was Napolean and the pigs who had started the cheating, judging by the smug looks on the faces of the pigs, and the indignant ones on the faces of the humans.

“This farm seems to get worse and worse.” thought Clover. “I may be wrong, but I will ask Benjamin what the farm was like before.” “He would remember everything that had happened since Jones was here, he has such a great memory!”

She walked over to Benjamin and asked him to tell her about how life was like before Napolean had come into power. He was extremely reluctant to do so, but when he remembered the death of Boxer, he could not contain his anger at Napolean anymore and told Clover. He told her about how lif was like when Jones was still there, the lack of animal freedom, the small amount of rations (and sometimes none at all) , the whippings, the cruel punishments, and intolerable tyrannical ruling fist of Jones etc etc. But when he thought back to Napolean, his anger grew. He told Clover how Napolean had started out as a shifty person, how he seemed to be the least trustworthy even when Snowball was still around. He also told her about the suspicions that he had about Napolean framing Snowball and chasing him away so that he would have no competition.

When Clover heard about all of this, she grew angry. She could not believe that someone could do such a thing to their fellow animals. She had decided that something had to be done about it, so she decided to try and start her own revolution on the pigs. She tried to convince Benjamin to join, but he had denied her, saying that he had seen too many things and did not want to see her go through more hardships. Clover felt betrayed, but did not scold him. She went to the old barn where old Major used to give his speeches and prepared everything. When night came, she held a speech trying to convince the animals to rebel against the pigs and convinced them to sing beasts of England once again. They animals were afraid at first, but as time went on their courage grew and they sang it more and more with more and more feeling. The animals sang and sang until the pigs grew suspicious and came to investigate. The animals scattered, ran, and tried to go to sleep before the pig arrived.

Later that week, the pigs called Clover in. They talked to her about what she thought about the farm, and what she thought about life on the farm. She said that it was not so bad, but it would be better. The pigs dismissed her and then held a secret conference. They had found out that Clover was planning a rebellion due to the spies that they had within the animals. They decided to go and poison Clover's food and pretend that she was sick.

The next week, Clover had come down with an illness. The pigs had no idea what was wrong with her, but they told everyone that they would take her to a doctor, jus tlike what they did to Boxer and take care of her. They animals, suspicious but still believing the pigs, accepted that statement and let Clover go. However, Benjamin saw that the truck that came to pick her up was the same as the on that picked Boxer up and rushed to get Clover, but it was too late. By the time that Benjamin arrived, Clover had already been taken away.

Days later, the pigs told the animals the same story about Clover that they told them about Boxer and buried Clover. Benjamin, shocked and angry to the extremes at the pigs for lying and killing Clover, decided to take over the rebellion. He plotted for days but could not come up with a plan until he had heard that the humans that Napoleon had wrong had planned to go and attack the farm. He plotted wither the other animals and told them how to act during the battle that was inevitable.

When the day finally came, the pigs called all of the animals out into the yard. Squealer convinced the animals to fight, and that they were fighting for a good cause. However, the animals had already been convinced by Benjamin on what they should do. When the humans came, the animals got into position. As the humans came in, the animals rushed to the sides, opening a path between the humans and the pigs. The humans, enraged at the pigs for cheating, aimed at them first and shot and killed all of the pigs. The animals then rushed in from the sides and killed the humans. Benjamin cheered, they had finally completed a rebellion, and he had avenged Boxer and Clover. However, this time around, he would personally monitor the development of the new “animal government” so that some one like Napolean would not rise up into power every again.

The End

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