Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal: Human Population Control

Today, I am going to look at Ianna’s Post about controlling the human population. She said that
Instead of going on a rant killing millions of people it would be better to invest in something that would be placed in the body during infancy that would keep the individual from obtaining an accidental pregnancy, like the IUD used for women. This would still allow the individual to have sex they just couldn't get/get someone else pregnant. Which brings up the question that if only physical females can hold a child would men really need this device? I think not, but if the device can prevent STD's or STI's everyone should have one. If the product does prevent STD's and STI's then it would help people live, so it counteracts the purpose of lowering the population-if this is product is used as a drastic measure if not then it would be better to help people live without the hard ship of getting a disease or infection due to sex.

Ianna has a good point, but I am wondering if people have the choice of putting in the contraceptive or not. What if someone wanted to have a child, but they were unable to because the contraceptive prevented them from doing so? Also, what if the contraceptive has problems? What if it causes infertility in people, or is extremely hard to remove from a person and may cause injury from removal?

We talked about contraceptives and STD’s in Anatomy class before, and we discussed how STD’s and STI’s could be passed from skin to skin contact. Something like the IUD would not protect anyone from it, because it offers no physical protection against the STD or STI.

I also want to know if there was an age limit for the contraceptive. If everyone had contraceptives and could not have children, then would the human race not die out? If no one could have children, then we would have no descendants and the human race would cease to exist. It would seem to be like a permanent sterilization technique and it would be required by law to have it. Unless there was an age where you could remove it and have kids, or you had the choice to remove it and have kids, then you would be dooming the entire human to extinction.

FWI, I agree with Ianna totally on what she says on this topic, I just wanted to rebut it because it was such an interesting topic. No offence to you Ianna, your post was nice.

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