Sunday, January 23, 2011

Opening Statement: Wikileaks

Hello everybody, today, I am going to debate about Wikileaks. Wikileaks is a website where people put documents about things that the government does not put out for the public to see. I believe that Wikileaks if doing something that should be done in society. Wikileaks keeps the government in check by preventing it from doing whatever they want and hiding the truth from the public (society). If the government tries to hide secrets from society, then they have to have reason to hide it from society. This might mean that the secrets that they are hiding are harmful to society or are ethically wrong. If the government is doing something that might harm society or is ethically wrong, everyone has aright to know what they are doing. If society just blindly followed or did whatever the government told them to do, then society wold just be a bunch of blindly sheep, they would have no idea how to do things themselves. The government may then proceed to become a totalitarian government. They may be slowly corrupted by the power that they hold within the government and the lack of risks, repercussions and people blocking their way. Eventually, the people within the government, the society, will lose many or all of their rights because the people in control of the government will not have any opposition from the people in their society, the blindly following sheep. For example, in George Orwell's Book "Animal Farm" "Somehow, it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making any of the animals richer-except of course, the pigs and the dogs." (Pg. 129) The "farm" represents the government, and the dogs and pigs represent the upper and ruling class of a "government". The upper and ruling class covers things up from the public, and lets them believe things that may not necessarily be true. 

Society also has the job of telling the government when they are going too far. If the government keeps secrets from society then society can not tell them when they are going too far. The government will then be able to do anything they want. We do not want a government to do whatever they want, because we know what happens when the government has complete and utter control of the country. History has proved time and time again that totalitarian governments end up being overthrown by restless, mistreated, and extremely pissed off citizens of the same government. If a government gets overthrown, then there is now law and order within the country and lawlessness will break out. Also in "Animal Farm" "the rebellion had been successfully carried through: Jones was expelled, Manor Farm was theirs." This is an example of an oppressed society overthrowing their oppressors. Jones represented all of the tyrants that oppressed society, in this case, the farm animals. You can find proof of this by looking at the times between stable governments in countries were created, such as the times before and after the creation and fall of Rome.  

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