Friday, January 21, 2011

Response to "Political Power"

In my opinion, I feel that political power will corrupt the people that attain it. Even if people who have good intentions try and attain political power, sooner or later, they will become at least a little bit corrupted and start abusing their power/s. At first people may be trying to do things righteously, but then they will become big headed bigots, the amount of power that they might have will gt to their heads and they will start abusing their powers. If a person has to power to do anything that they want with out any repercussions, then it is just human nature that they do everything that they can to help themselves. A person will usually try to get the best for themselves, and they will try to hoard all the best things for themselves and only themselves.
George Orwell will probably have the same opinion as me on this subject. The message that he is trying to convey throughout his book “Animal Farm” is that people will become corrupt over time, even if they start out as nice and righteous people. In his book, when he uses the pigs, he uses them as ordinary animals that somehow had better qualities then other people and rose to the top of their society. They helped the animals lead a revolution, (which is similar to oppressed people rebelling against their oppressors) and they manage to win it. (“And So, almost before they knew what had happened, the Rebellion had been carried out.” Pg. 39) The pigs soon become the leaders of their new government. However, as time goes by, the pigs seem to get more and more privileges on the farm (an analogy for the government) while the other animals get less and less privileges. Eventually the pigs run the farm with an absolute fist, and they control everything that happens on the farm, just like the totalitarian governments the suppress the rights of their people. (the lower animals in Animal Farm did more work and received less food than any other animal in the country.” Pg.136) 
They also make the animals work more and more, while decreasing the amount of food and privileges they have. He uses the book to satire the governments that were around in his time, and he used it to bring people’s attentions to those types of governments and how they came into existence.

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