Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Garcia Girls Reflection 3

I felt that this part of the book was kinda of scary. I felt that this was true because when Yolanda went to the female artist to go and develop her artistic talents, she ended up meeting with a crazy sculptor that could not sculpt the face of a statue of the Virgin Mary. He ended up scaring Yolanda and she ended up breaking her arm. I felt that this was kind of scary because it is not often that you see a naked man chained to a wall straddling a inanimate statue in your life. It was probably something that affected her for a long time. It would have also affected her for a long time because she ended up seeing the statue of the Virgin Mary later on in a festival or a celebration with her own face on it.
It was also scary because of the Dominican Republic police that wanted to convict her family of some crime. They would go into her house and scare all of the residents because of what they represented to the family. Apparently, the secret police suspected her family of being rebels and suspected them of doing something “illegal” to the country, so “treason”. Their father was so scared of them that he ended up building a small chamber in his house that he can hide in when they show up. Whenever they would come and visit his house, he would hide in the chamber and get another family member to cover for him while he was gone.
When they were escaping the Dominican Secret Police to go to the United States, Yolanda was almost raped by one of the Secret Police Agents. This probably scarred her for life even if she only remember bits and pieces of it. This was a traumatic event in her life, and probably changed her irrevocably.
All of the events that happened early on in her life seemed to be traumatizing and they all seemed to have negative effects on her life and her as a person. This kind of amazes and shocks me because I find it unbelievable that people could have so many bad things happen to them and they can come of it for better or for worse.

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