Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"What is Q?"

Throughout both of the stories "The Aquatic Uncle" and "The Dinosaur" Q shows that he is an anti-social person that ends up being left behind.
In the beginning of the dinosaur story, Q starts out being alone, "I spent many, many years on those deserted plateaus. i had survived... but i was alone."(Pg.97) I feel that this kind of shows how much of a loner he is. He is a dinosaur, an individual within his own race, but his race soon becomes extinct. He had survived all of the attacks, starvation, nature, etc.... but he was alone, he did not survive with anyone else. He either leaves everyone else behind as he escapes the extinction by running away from everything, or he GETS left behind by everyone else as THEY run away from everything. He is kind of a relic of the past, something that some people revere, and something that some people hate, but all in all, he is something that is forgotten by everyone else and has little importance in the real world. He is also left behind by everyone in a spiritual way, because when everyone dies, they leave him behind in the living world as they all advance to the afterlife. They leave him in a world where no one trusts him.
When Q first meets with Fern-Flowers brother, Zahn, the each have a bad first impression of each other. Zahn talks about how “In the plains, our bunch takes turns keeping watch, day and night,. But there we can trust each other; we don’t take in characters we don’t know...”(102) I feel that this quote shows how left out Q is when he talks to other people, and how bad of a first impression he makes on people that he first meets. Right when someone meets him for the first time, he is so different from other people and is so strange, the he is almost always left out. Someone is always disgusted by him and seems to want him gone. An example of that is when the villagers first meet him, and he immediatly earns the nickname, “The Ugly One” because of his looks. He is seperated from the “group” as soon as he arrives. No one seems to really “like” him or want him to stay as soon as he arrives. He leaves the village to “scout” out the enemy, but instead, the village leaves him. And in the end, he has a son, but he leaves him and his “spouse” for a new life somewhere else.
In the Aquatic Uncle story, Q is left out even more. He is a creature that is in the middle of evolutions, and has a reptilian girlfriend/fiancee and a fish-like grandfather.His fiancee loved him and they both loved living on the land, without any intentions to live anywhere else. However, while the story progresses, his fiancee, Lll, seems to drift farther and farther away from him. In the end, Lll ends up leaving him for his great-uncle to live in the sea together. “And with one of those rapid climbs of hers, the last... and let it go in a dive.” (Pg. 81) Lll, was his fiancee, a girl that was about to marry him, a girl that loved him, and a girl that he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with. And yet, she leaves him for his great-uncle, to live a life in the sea. His great-uncle is not even part of the same species as she is, while Q is. He might have just sucked at relating to Lll, but he was most defiantly left behind by her, for a person not even of the same species.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Response to Superman Can't Fly

This is my response to Peter's Post.

  Back to the topic, what happen to a superman if he can't fly? Would he still try to help people out even though it is more dangerous than before? What is the definition of a "superman"? My own opinion to it is that a guy who does good things and contributes a lot to the society. To fight some bad guys and save people from the detonation and fly away is just the cartoon version which is unreal in our life. It is cool and we all hope for this person comes to us, but it is impossible, at least sure for now.

I feel that Peter's opinion of what a superman is is true. I feel that a "superman" is sort of a good Samaritan.

A "superman" in the way that people think of it, is a hero who has super powers ad can do many things that a normal person cannot. They are sort of fairy tail figures. They are the people that only have the good qualities in people, while the villains only have the bad qualities. A superhero to them, is a person who can perform superhuman feats, and will never be tempted by "evil". On the other hand, the villains are nonredeemable criminals/ fiends who only have the bad part of human qualities and seem to have no other purpose in life than to make the lives of other people miserable.

On the other hand, the people that Peter is talking about, the good Samaritans are just normal people. They are normal people who have the kindness in their hearts to help a random stranger that is in need. They have both the good and bad side of humanity in their hearts, not just the pure "good" and the pure "evil" of the superheros and villains in the comic books, fairy tales, etc. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Most Annoying Day Pt. 2

When the judges got there, I was worried that I would screw up. When we were going through the court process, they had a lot of questions to ask. I was afraid that i would mess up because some of the things that we would be doing in that court process would be new. There was something new that they had just introduced to us, and told us to try it out. It was time consuming and some of us thought that it was sort of pointless. Some new thing that we had to do was to read something that gave a sort of overview of that the crime was and what it consisted of. For example, if the crime was petty theft, I would have to read off a piece of paper what petty theft would be considered as. It was very time consuming and I did not think that it made much of a difference in the court process.

Some new thing that probably helped however, was a sheet that they gave to the jurors in the deliberation room to help their minds start working. It was pretty much a sheet where it asked them what they case was about to try and see if they were paying attention, and other various activities. I am pretty sure that it kept them busy because when the other jurors went in to deliberate the case hearing that had just happened, the jurors that were deliberating the previous case were still in the room discussing various things. I think that it kept them busy. After a bunch of cases that took a long amount of time, I finally got to take break. After a while, all of the cases were finished and i went back down to the ground floor to meet up with everyone else. Apparently, my courtroom was the second one to finish out of the four. I got bored so i went back up the elevator to check on the other courtrooms. I went to one where most of my freinds were in, and it turned out that they were almost done, which was a good thing. However, one of my freinds had to leave, so I ended up filling in for him for the last case that they had. It didn't really take that long, but it was a sort of a pain in the ass to do that.

Later, i got home around 9pm. I came home, and went on the computer. I started doing homework around an hour later. The thing that really  pissed me off was that when i was about to go shower, my water pipes blocked up. They were working fine half an hour ago when my dad went to shower, but right when I decided to go, the just had to block up. It pissed me off to no end. Eventually, they finally worked for a bit when my dad worked on the water pipes, but it was not really that "smart" to go and use water before we got them fixed for real.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Resonse to Quickwrite:Video

Here is something interesting that i found on Phuong's blog.
We have something to aim toward and we will use our own strength. We can always challenge ourself and when we are imperfect, we can give challenges to ourself as to what we want to change. If we are completely perfect, then there won't be any challenges; we have nothing we want to improve on.
I think that what Phuong is saying is sort of true. During the quick write, there was a question that they asked which was: are human's evolving? if so- how? Since we humans have limits/challenges, as Phuong said, we have to try to overcome them. We evolve as a species when we have to overcome certain hardships that we have, such as weather, food supply, etc. If we were "perfect" then what would be the point of being human? Human's are flawed, but they will always try to find "perfection" and they will try to better themselves. Also, what would be the point of a "perfect human"? What would they do and what would they be like? Is there a point in being human if we have nothing more to improve on?
 Yes, it is cool when we can change our legs and make it do anything we want but doesn't that mean we are replacing a part of ourself? Because we are humans, we have limits. To make our life fun, we work our hardest to exceed those limits and create new limits for us to continue exceeding. If we rely on technologies all the time, doesn't that make us cowards who doesn't like ourselves so we change it?

Also, as Phuong has said, even if we do change our body parts and make them do whatever we want, doesn't it mean that we are changing a part of ourselves? If you want to give yourself fake limbs, what would that mean for you? Sure, its cool because then you can adjust your limbs to suit your needs and can adjust them to do whatever you want, but then, what would that mean for you as a person? You have just lost a part of yourself, a part that can never grow back. Also, if you grow to dislike the operation, how would you put yourself back together? Cutting off one of your limbs and putting a fake one on is impossible to reverse unless you had the access to technology that could theoretically regenerate your limbs.

Also, we as a human race has grown in the face of opposition. We have grown stronger through every conflict that we have been in. We have adapted to everything that has happened to us, and we have gotten stronger from it. If we rely on technology to make everything that we have to do easy, what would that mean for us? Would we have to even use our brain anymore? Would we have to think to overcome opposition? And finally, what would happen once those technologies are stripped from us? How would we survive without them if we have to rely on them to do everything in our life?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Vocabulary List

1.Contract   2.Data   3. Aspect  4. Computer   5. Institute  6. Civil    7. Imply   8.Validity  9. Regime  10. Ration

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Most Annoying Day Pt. 1

Tuesday, was one of the weirdest and most annoying days that I have had so far. I started off going to school, without getting enough sleep. I almost ended up falling asleep in math class right in front of Mrs. McCoy. After school, i had to walk to Walgreens to buy something to sell for a fundraiser. Then, by the time i got home, i had to get ready to go to McCullumn Youth Court. I was not prepared to do much and i was tired.

When i got there, the tables were already set up, but we did not have any of the sign-in sheets at all. We had to wait for Shawn to go and get some more from the office, but when he got the big blue bucket that we keep all of them in, it turned out that we had no more copies. So, we had to improvise and make new ones by crossing the titles off of a sign in sheet for people that want to take the basic law class. While doing that, we had to set up a fundraiser selling food on a table right next to where everyone was signing in. We were also short on staff, so it got that much harder to do.

When we got into the courtroom, since we were short on staff, there was only 1 clerk in each courtroom, so if 1 of us could not make it, then i do not know what would happen. We were also short of baliffs, so some of the courtrooms only had 1 baliff. So, for most of the time the courtroom was in session, I had to take the place of the bailiff and try to do two jobs at once, because the only bailiff we had was helping the jurors out in the deliberation room. Also, I think I screwed up because I did not know a lot of what a bailiff had to do. I was worried, and was wondering what could go wrong.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Death Penalty, Pro

Opening Statement Edit
    Today i would like to talk to you about a controversial topic that comes up around the world and is legal is some place in the United States. The Death Penalty is a severe punishment to the worst of criminals who have committed crimes so gruesome that they do not deserve to live. People who commit multiple murders and have been proven guilty will be most likely sentenced to many years in prison or life in prison. For example. If a forty year old man kills five innocent people and has been proven guilty of the crime, that person will most likely be sentenced to life in prison. This man will stay in prison every day until the day he dies, which could be anywhere from ten to fifty year. The man will be guaranteed to spend the rest of his life in prison. Every day that this man stays in Prison, he will be using taxpayer money. Instead of him dying for his crimes, he will sit in prison for up to fifty years knowing that he will die. The difference between that man getting the death penalty and life in prison is that he will be wasting fifty years worth of taxpayer money and he will have to spend years alone and be tortured with the things that come with being in prison such as bad food, small living spaces, and loneliness.
If I were to grow up and commit five murders and have the choice of the death penalty or fifty years in prison,  I would much rather get the death penalty so that i know i am no longer hurting the citizens of the United States. Prisons are overcrowded enough and instead of building even more prisons for the people who have committed these crimes, some people would much rather prefer the death penalty and not have to suffer the rest of their lives in prison. The death Penalty could be regulated and put into use for the punishment for the criminals who can no longer fit into society and have no hope of being released from prison.