Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Death Penalty, Pro

Opening Statement Edit
    Today i would like to talk to you about a controversial topic that comes up around the world and is legal is some place in the United States. The Death Penalty is a severe punishment to the worst of criminals who have committed crimes so gruesome that they do not deserve to live. People who commit multiple murders and have been proven guilty will be most likely sentenced to many years in prison or life in prison. For example. If a forty year old man kills five innocent people and has been proven guilty of the crime, that person will most likely be sentenced to life in prison. This man will stay in prison every day until the day he dies, which could be anywhere from ten to fifty year. The man will be guaranteed to spend the rest of his life in prison. Every day that this man stays in Prison, he will be using taxpayer money. Instead of him dying for his crimes, he will sit in prison for up to fifty years knowing that he will die. The difference between that man getting the death penalty and life in prison is that he will be wasting fifty years worth of taxpayer money and he will have to spend years alone and be tortured with the things that come with being in prison such as bad food, small living spaces, and loneliness.
If I were to grow up and commit five murders and have the choice of the death penalty or fifty years in prison,  I would much rather get the death penalty so that i know i am no longer hurting the citizens of the United States. Prisons are overcrowded enough and instead of building even more prisons for the people who have committed these crimes, some people would much rather prefer the death penalty and not have to suffer the rest of their lives in prison. The death Penalty could be regulated and put into use for the punishment for the criminals who can no longer fit into society and have no hope of being released from prison.

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