Friday, September 17, 2010

Resonse to Quickwrite:Video

Here is something interesting that i found on Phuong's blog.
We have something to aim toward and we will use our own strength. We can always challenge ourself and when we are imperfect, we can give challenges to ourself as to what we want to change. If we are completely perfect, then there won't be any challenges; we have nothing we want to improve on.
I think that what Phuong is saying is sort of true. During the quick write, there was a question that they asked which was: are human's evolving? if so- how? Since we humans have limits/challenges, as Phuong said, we have to try to overcome them. We evolve as a species when we have to overcome certain hardships that we have, such as weather, food supply, etc. If we were "perfect" then what would be the point of being human? Human's are flawed, but they will always try to find "perfection" and they will try to better themselves. Also, what would be the point of a "perfect human"? What would they do and what would they be like? Is there a point in being human if we have nothing more to improve on?
 Yes, it is cool when we can change our legs and make it do anything we want but doesn't that mean we are replacing a part of ourself? Because we are humans, we have limits. To make our life fun, we work our hardest to exceed those limits and create new limits for us to continue exceeding. If we rely on technologies all the time, doesn't that make us cowards who doesn't like ourselves so we change it?

Also, as Phuong has said, even if we do change our body parts and make them do whatever we want, doesn't it mean that we are changing a part of ourselves? If you want to give yourself fake limbs, what would that mean for you? Sure, its cool because then you can adjust your limbs to suit your needs and can adjust them to do whatever you want, but then, what would that mean for you as a person? You have just lost a part of yourself, a part that can never grow back. Also, if you grow to dislike the operation, how would you put yourself back together? Cutting off one of your limbs and putting a fake one on is impossible to reverse unless you had the access to technology that could theoretically regenerate your limbs.

Also, we as a human race has grown in the face of opposition. We have grown stronger through every conflict that we have been in. We have adapted to everything that has happened to us, and we have gotten stronger from it. If we rely on technology to make everything that we have to do easy, what would that mean for us? Would we have to even use our brain anymore? Would we have to think to overcome opposition? And finally, what would happen once those technologies are stripped from us? How would we survive without them if we have to rely on them to do everything in our life?

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